This blog is my way of organizing thoughts and sharing my heart in my search for how to live a life of eternal value. It's an avenue for honesty and a platform for sharing about the good and bad experiences of life. My hope is that my thoughts might provoke more of your own and that the blog itself might serve as an open door for communication, discussion, and encouragement between those who know my incredible Savior and those who don't . ✞

Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Well done my good and faithful servant."

So earlier this summer, I heard a missionary speak at a conference I was at. Besides the fact that this missionary was hilarious, and rather entertaining to listen to, he asked a single question that has since then, resonated with me daily. He asked, "When you are finally face to face with our Savior, which would you rather hear: 'Welcome home," or "Well done my good and faithful servant"? Sure, "Welcome home" is pleasant and inviting. But to hear those other 7 words from the creator of this incredible universe ... now that would be freakin unbelievable! As Christians, we have the choice of receiving either greeting. We can live this comfortable and conservative life, simply accepting His salvation and obeying His commandments so that when we leave this earth, we are welcomed at the gates of Heaven. Or we can step out in our faith, take risks to further His kingdom, and let Him use us in ways we never thought possible for ourselves. Living in a "radical" way might lead to some uncomfortable experiences. It might lead to someone or some people thinking I am kinda odd, but this particular verse serves as a clear-cut reminder for me of how much that matters:

Galations 1:10 "Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ."

Let people think I have gone off the deepend when I share about my incredible Savior.  I love this quote from the book I always talk about, "Jesus is perfect, loved everyone perfectly, and STILL got nailed to a cross!"  No matter what we do, there will always be people who don't accept us.  It's time we stop worrying about everyone's opinion, and instead, focus on pleasing our matchless Savior -- the only one who will never think we are odd and certainly never stop loving us -- the perfect creator who gave us this very life that we live.  As I take that risk, I am glorifying Him through showing eternal value to another soul that He created. I am building up the reward in heaven that awaits me, and I'm setting myself up for the most incredible greeting from God when I am one day standing before Him. It's gonna be worth it! 

K thanks for reading. Grace and peace♥


  1. Hey is awesome reading your posts. I get on at least every other day to see if you have posted something new. I am so pumped that you are on a journey and it sounds like God is really doing something amazing in your lives.

    A couple of thoughts...

    I am really pumped and excited to see Jesus face to face...however, I wonder if sometimes we focus so much on that end goal that we miss the fact that we were created for so much more? I believe that God saved me from my sins, not so that I don't go to hell, but rather so that I can be a part of his work here, now, today. So often in the church we focus so much on the end that we forget we were placed here for a purpose. Once again, don't get me wrong, the end will be great but I believe only because I did everything I could to make this world more like God created it to be in the beginning. I don't believe that the goal of the cross was to get people to heaven but more to redeem the world here and now. Jesus didn't come so that we could leave this place one day. He came so that through him the world might be redeemed.

    God has created all of us for a purpose and that purpose is to worship him and be a part of his bringing creation back to him. Someone once asked, "If there wasn't a heaven, would you still be a Christian?" I hope my answer and believe my answer would be yes because I don't serve him for what I am going to gain...I have already gotten more than I deserve. I seek to serve him out of a response to the love that he had for me. My life is a response to the grace and love that I have been given. That is a pretty heavy question, but one that is good to think about.

    Someone else once said, "If God didn't do anything else for me, he has already done enough and that would be ok." Once again, hard to think about but I believe so true.

    I would love to hear your feed back. Once again, I love reading your posts and want to encourage you to keep searching to see what God has for you. He is going to do amazing things through your lives. We miss both of you and would love to have you guys visit if you are able.

    Praying for you! I will try and post often.

    Grace and Peace,

  2. Jeremy,
    Totally awesome to hear from you. I value and appreciate your thoughts sooo much. The way that you put things in your response really excompasses what I am going through right now. I feel like for so long, my Christianity has been based on this idea that Christ saved me so that I wouldn't go to hell -- the focus was almost soley on the end goal. And although eternity in heaven is an incredible gift offered only through Him, you are right ... He died for so much more -- that "the world might be redeemed" and that "I can be a part of his work here, now, today." So now I am praying about and searching for HOW I can be a part of His work today -- how I can be used for so much more, beyond what I conceive for myself.

    One thing Kodi and I have talked a lot about is how to "witness" to people without trying to scare them away from Hell, and into Christ's arms -- because like you said, too much focus can be put on the end goal. I go back and forth because I question whether God only wants the hearts of non-Christians that finally realize their need for His grace and salvation and are desperately desiring His transforming power in their lives, or if He is happy with people turning to Him to be saved simply out of fear of Hell. Perhaps turning to Him simply out of fear of eternity in Hell, although a somewhat shallow reason, is okay with God because it is an opportunity for Him to then step in and REALLY work on the individuals heart. That fear might soften their hearts so that they might be more open to Him working in their lives. What do you think? This is something I have talked about with my brother a lot, too.

    That statement you shared ..."If there wasn't a heaven, would you still be a Christian?" ... that is a staggeringly powerful question, and definitely worth thinking about even if it's heavy. I'm really eager to share this with Kodi tonight.

    Thanks again for your thoughts and encouragement Jeremy.
