This blog is my way of organizing thoughts and sharing my heart in my search for how to live a life of eternal value. It's an avenue for honesty and a platform for sharing about the good and bad experiences of life. My hope is that my thoughts might provoke more of your own and that the blog itself might serve as an open door for communication, discussion, and encouragement between those who know my incredible Savior and those who don't . ✞

Sunday, September 5, 2010

credibility of the Bible

More to consider …
So although the Bible stands the test for accuracy, questions still remain … is the actual message of it credible; were the authors for real firsthand witnesses that are trustworthy?
The test for examining ancient literature’s credibility involves looking at the oral and written testimony, and collateral evidence of the writings.  When we consider the testimony given by the authors of the Bible, we face verses like , 2 Peter 1:16  which states, “We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.”
Also, Luke 1:1-4 says, “Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.”
At least 23 different times, the New Testament writers wrote that they were eyewitnesses.  And consider this, the disciples told the story of Jesus to people that were alive at the same time as Jesus was alive.  Moreover, their message of Jesus Christ and His resurrection was often proclaimed to hostile listeners who would have stopped the rumor, had it been false … but no one stopped it.  When the disciples and authors of the Bible spoke of Christ’s resurrection, for example, they spoke of it as a common knowledge; they wrote about actual people, places, things, and times – all of that would have been silenced immediately by opposition if it wasn’t true … but it wasn’t.  Instead, the message has lasted into the 21st century, and has had a profound impact on millions of lives. 
I recently heard a great illustration that clarifies what I talked about above.  I’d love to hear what you think.  Okay, so …we were alive at the time of Princess Diana.  Imagine if I loved her so much that I started a cult proclaiming that one time in Wadsworth, OH, she took a happy meal and fed the whole town … or that since her life-ending car crash, she has been resurrected.  Would you accept that and pass the information along to others, or would you say it’s crazy and ignore it?  If the people alive at the same time as Christ and at the same time that the message of His resurrection was being proclaimed thought that the disciples were crazy, than that message would have not stood a chance and would not have been passed on so that we now receive it years and years later.  That’s gotta tell people something about the credibility of the Bible.
I’ve heard people argue that the twelve disciples who went all over the world sharing about Christ knew that they were telling a big lie and where just trying to make a killing off of their preachings.  Ironically, instead of “making a killing”, eleven of these twelve disciples were killed.  Peter, Andrew, James, Philip, Simon, and Bartholomew were crucified.  Matthew and one of the other James were killed by the sword.  Thaddeus were shot with arrows.  Thomas was speared to death, and the other James was stoned to death.  If they were all in on some big hoax, you would think they would have admitted to it quickly, especially when there were about to be tortured, but instead they held firmly to the Truth and gave their lives for its cause.  So that thousands of years later, we can read of their sacrifices and be assured that Jesus and Salvation is real.
Quick note: The only disciple that wasn’t murdered was John.  But he didn’t go without persecution for his faith and preaching of the Gospel … he was dipped in boiling oil several times, by the incredible grace and power of the Savior in whom he entrusted his life, he just wouldn’t die.  So his persecutors got so frustrated they just exiled him forever.  Pretty remarkable, in my opinion.  God is amazing.
So as far as oral and written testimony goes, the Bible proves to be credible.  The disciples [those who followed Jesus and went around preaching to the world about receiving His gift of salvation] were eye witnesses to the "stories" in the Bible, and they were willing to give their lives in order to spread the Truth about faith in Jesus Christ.   And the message they proclaimed was not shot down by those alive during Jesus' time on earth -- because it was all true.  So even those who were hostile to Christ and didn't want to accept the Truth, they knew it was all real and actual happenings; there was nothing they could do to stop the true message from being proclaimed.  And that is why you and I are still hearing this message today, and can believe every word about Christ Jesus and what He will do in our hearts, minds, and lives if we entrust our lives to Him.
So if you are a believer, I hope that this information can help you defend the faith that you have, just as it is helping me.  If you have not let Christ intervene in your life, think about this evidence and ask yourself, "What's stopping me from believing in him and fully accepting His gift of salvation?"
If you ever want to know the sources for what I am sharing with you, I’d be happy to pass them along.  This stuff is so incredible … eye opening, thought provoking, life changing.  I have even more I’ll be posting on here in the near future because there is just so much awesome truth to learn!
K thanks for reading.  Grace and peace, my friends

1 comment:

  1. Love this post and the previous post. I am so thankful for a God that is real and unchanging.
